Report a repair

Online Work Request Form

Something at your property not working the way it should? Are some specifications just a little outside your personal comfort?

Reporting any maintenance or repairs required in your home is a hassle-free and easy process. We want to ensure everything in your home is always up to standard, so that you always have a home that can adapt to your needs.

To arrange repairs, simply use the online form to report a problem, or phone

(08) 8373 8318

After Hours Emergency Repairs

If a situation arises outside normal working hours, we have an After Hours Emergency Maintenance number to reach us on. For problems that cannot wait the next day, such as burst water mains or the major blockage of a toilet, please call:

(08) 8373 8305


Job Description

Please include a detailed description of the repair/s requested, including in which room it is to occur and the size/make/model where applicable.


COVID-19 Screening Questions

Are you aware if any member of the family and/or household has: